First, A Look Back at 2024
Reviewing 2024 over the past few weeks has given me some perspective on what I like about trail and ultrarunning and what I want to do more in 2025. I enjoy challenging myself and looking for my limitations. I want to do more of that in 2025.
The past year has been a huge gift in terms of my running. I have been between full-time jobs for the entire year so I’ve had a very flexible schedule. I’ve been working to help grow a sports supplement and health coaching business. I trade my time and talents for coaching and a discount on supplements. Both have helped me achieve my best running year.
The other benefit of having a flexible schedule is running whenever and for however long I want or need to based on my racing schedule. I joke with my family and friends that I’m ‘solar powered’ because I prefer to run during the day. Strava says I prefer 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Strava also said my most preferred running days were Tuesday and Wednesday. These were when I was generally doing my long runs. My wife works out of town during the week so running long when she is away leaves more together time on the weekends.
Goals for 2025
Sub-24 Hour 100 Mile
My primary ultramarathon goal carries over from 2024: Complete 100 miles in a day. Technically, that’s less than 24 hours but races generally span part of two days.
Achieve a PR in the Marathon
I want to run a marathon PR. This goal also plays into increasing my steady-state speed and helping with goal #1.
Run 2,000 Miles
I’m setting an aggressive goal of 2,000 miles in 2025. Maybe, to be like many of my Strava friends, I should make this 2,025 miles. This will be more challenging with a full-time job this year but I think it’s achievable.
That’s it, aside from the general, stay healthy, do more volunteering, mobility, strength work, and so on. Those are always in the background and support the main goals.
Yuengling Shamrock Marathon, March 16th – CONFIRMED
I like having an early spring race to keep me motivated through the cold, dark months of winter. I’m also focusing on speed work during my ‘off’ season and this plays into my marathon PR and sub-25 hour goals.
Kettle Moraine 100 Mile, June 14th – CONFIRMED
This race has been on my radar for a long time. I was one of the lucky ones who registered in the first few minutes after registration opened. This one sold out in minutes for all race distances. I’m very lucky and excited to have secured a spot.
Mt. Hood 50 mile, July 12th – PENDING
This was my first 50-mile run 20 years ago this summer. Entry is by lottery, which I’m in, but I won’t know if I’m in until January 11th. Wish me luck.
Tunnel Hill 100 Mile, November 8th – CONFIRMED
Those are the only planned races for 2025. I’m sure there will be some others I enter as training races or to run with friends but as for primary races, that’s it.
I stayed up until 1 am to secure my entry within the first few minutes of registration. I was told it filled up quickly but entries are still available as I write this almost 36 hours later.
In Closing
It’s going to be a great year! I’m looking forward to my best year of training and racing yet. I’m excited to be getting back to work full-time, continuing my side hustle helping grow a business, and coaching a few athletes.
What are your plans for the year? Let me know in the comments. Maybe we’ll be at one of the same races! Regardless if your goals, make them your Epic in 2025.