How Do You Even Train For That?

When I tell people I’m training to run a 100-mile ultramarathon I get a wide variety of reactions. Some people are shocked that a race of 100 miles even exists and can’t fathom what running one, or training for it, even means. Others are in awe, perhaps because they’ve trained for and have completed a marathon and understand what commitment that took. What’s common between these two groups is the question: “How do you even train for something like that?”.

In an attempt to answer this question, I’m going to document my training to prepare for my next 100-mile race. First, I’ll describe where I am now and what my recent training has looked like. Next, I’ll describe my training each week over the next five months and you can follow along. At the end of this training cycle, I’ll be running the Mississippi Trail 100-mile race in, um…, Mississippi on March 1st, 2024.

You will see my training plan, how I execute against it, the challenges and changes along the way, and the outcome of my race. My goal is to finish the 100 miles in less than 24 hours. This is a badge of honor in ultramarathon circles.

I’ll share my nutrition plan for training and racing, sleep and recovery information, mobility routines, info on gear, … and whatever else may be interesting. 

I hope to inspire you to take on a big challenge. Not necessarily a 100-mile race, but whatever may be epic for you. The principles used to train for 100 miles are mostly the same needed for any distance, just taken to a different level.

Please leave me comments as we take this journey together. Let me know what topics are of interest, or not, and I’ll try to adjust future installments. That’s it for now. I’m going for a run.

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