November Numbers

My training in November was MUCH different from October. To start, I got Covid two weeks before the JFK 50-mile race, which eliminated the build and pre-race prep weeks of my training. Instead, I was on the couch trying to rest as much as possible, unsure I would be able to start the race. In two weeks I felt well enough to believe I could finish the 50 miles, even if it meant walking many miles as I had the last time. Before being sick, I hoped to push hard in this race to see what I could do, but my plans changed to run a conservative pace, run throughout the entire course, and see what was possible. If you read my race report you’ll know it turned out well. If you haven’t, why not?

Recovery after the race wasn’t bad. There was the general fatigue and tenderness that is inevitable after a 50-mile run but no acute joint or muscle pain. Using Vespa and the Optimized Fat Metabolism nutrition methodology has been a HUGE benefit. It means I recover faster from hard training and racing and can resume training for the next event much more quickly. Two days after the race I did an easy treadmill workout and four days post-race I did a long recovery run. Recovery used to mean taking a week or two off, then slowly starting up again. Now I’m running to recover and starting workouts again in a week. The first week, post-race consists of easy long runs to help with recovery and to consolidate the metabolic gains achieved from the hard work of a long race. It’s very counter to the way I’ve trained in the past but having done it after two races now I’m never going back to the old way.

Serious training for the March 1st race restarted the last week of November with some tempo runs and strength sessions in the gym.

The numbers are down from October but December will start a strength and speed cycle which will take 4 or 5 weeks. My coach is adjusting my schedule based on my performance at JFK and my current training. I see a lot of cold miles piling up soon.


  • 24 hours of running
  • 127 miles covered
  • 11 runs
  • 1 race
  • 1 weight training session

November was a month of ups and downs. Down with Covid and worried I was going to miss the JFK race. UP because I didn’t miss the race and had a great result, chopping over 2 hours off my 2020 result! December should be intense as I’ve not trained much for speed in the past. I’m looking forward to it. Watch this space for how it’s going.

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